Get Featured in our Black Friday Insert
Would you like to feature and promote your business in our Holiday Gift Guide’s Black Friday insert for our readers?
We are featuring businesses in the following categories: beauty, skincare, fashion, accessories, home decor, travel, and more
We are only selecting a limited amount of businesses to be featured in our gift guide.
If your business has been invited to be featured in our gift guide, you may select from one of three advertising options and make your purchase.
With the purchase of an advertisement, your business will be advertised in our special Holiday Gift Guide to our readers and your products will also be featured throughout our website and on all of our social media accounts.
This is a wonderful way to get your business featured in a variety of ways with 707AVE.
This is a special Holiday Gift Guide for our readers on 707AVE with items hand-selected by the magazine.
It is a multi-article guide, not a post which means it will have multiple posts and featured products and gifts throughout.
Each advertisement includes a feature in the print version that will be made available to order or download as a pdf, our website, along with advertisement creation and we will be sharing the guide across all social media channels and in groups.
Quick FAQs:
Our readers are women between the ages of 25 and 65.
Our main demographic is women between 25 and 44.
Our readership is worldwide, but the top cities are New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, London, Houston, and Delhi.
Our magazine and social media resources combined offer a reach of over 50,000 worldwide.
Our email open rate is 48%.
The deadline to make your purchase Monday, November 21, at 3:00 pm EST.
Once you make your purchase, please email Liz at so we can create your feature.
Thank you so much for your purchase and happy holidays!
Team 707AVE